Whoever said youth was wasted on the young clearly had not met our M8 of July, Oliver Hughes. Despite facing adversity that most of us couldn’t even fathom, and in spite of it, this champion has come out the other end stronger and more determined than ever.
Overcoming a brain tumor at the tender age of 16, a mere 3 years ago, Oliver is open and honest about the challenges that this not only posed to his physical but his mental wellbeing. In fact he has become an advocate for normalising conversations about mental health and against the antiquated notion that men need to be strong at all times.
One could say his ‘grab life by the proverbial’ attitude can be attributed to his age, or what he’s had to deal with, but whatever it is, his energy is electrifying! An aspiring model, a fitness fanatic, a Soccer player that proudly represented his country, a survivor. And we’re talking 19 years old folks.
This inspirational young man's story is only just beginning and we’re buying a front row seat to the action. Probably at his dad's cafe in beachside Coogee in Sydney's Eastern Suburbs where Ollie is always hanging out. See you at cafe X74!

NAME : Oliver Hughes
AGE : 19
CURRENT POSITION : Personal Trainer and Lifestyle Coach
WHERE IS YOUR HOME TEAM : Eastern Suburbs of Sydney. My dad is Welsh and my mum's Aussie. I was born in Australia.
WHO DO YOU PLAY NOW : Sydney's Eastern Suburbs (Beach Boy!)
WHAT'S YOUR GAME PLAN : I have big aspirations to change peoples views on mental health and that it’s perfectly normal to reach out for help. I believe men have a stigma that we have to be “tough” all the time but that’s just fake news!
I’d also like to take my modeling career overseas one day and hopefully travel the world!

LIST 1 OR 2 GOLD MEDAL MOMENTS : Getting picked for Australian Junior Soccer at 16 years old.
Although the biggest event that I have overcome in my life is surviving a brain tumor which I had surgery to remove. After this my life completely changed for the better. I started to appreciate all of the small things that I used to take for granted. I also changed my mindset to just say yes and take everything as an opportunity, life is too short to not strive for your goals.
WHO ARE YOUR CHAMPIONS : My mum and my dad are my champions. They teach me so much every day, I adore them. If my parents weren’t there by my side the entire time through my brain tumor ordeal, I wouldn’t have made it through that dark period of my life.
Aside from them I aspire to be like Arnold Schwarzenegger or Mark Wahlberg. Remember Marky Mark! ; )
WHAT IS YOUR STRATEGY TO ACHIEVE IT : It’s simple, spread the word about speaking out and not being afraid to reach out when times get tough. Mental health is so complex, that’s why it’s important for everyone to work together and talk it out!
In regards to traveling overseas for modelling, I’ll continue to train hard in the gym and strive for my best in everything I do. I also have big aspirations to compete in a bodybuilding competition one day as the gym is my second home.

WHAT MAKES AN EVERYDAY CHAMPION : Someone who refuses to quit and always gets up no matter how hard life gets. The champions are the people who have had life really tough but still get out there and have a go. That's what makes a true champion in my eyes.
WHAT’S YOUR MOTTO : Everything in life happens for a reason. You can choose to be in the crowd or play in the team. Life is too short so go out and get what’s yours!