M8 of March : Evan Browne

M8 of March : Evan Browne

Publicado por Tommy Laurens en


Is there a Doctor in the house?


There certainly is and he’s our M8 of March. Meet Evan Browne, a young man whose mission in life is to help others, not only through medicine but through decency and compassion. His experiences working in remote communities have not only bettered him as a person but ignited a passion for respect, human connection and our planet. 


Now that’s a human this world needs more of! At 28, Evan is still at the beginning of his journey but it’s clear to us he will heal the world with his attitude and beliefs. If an apple a day keeps the doctor away, we might skip apple day if it means getting a chance to meet Dr Browne!

NAME: Evan Browne


AGE: 28




WHERE IS YOUR HOME TEAM: Cambewarra just over the hill from Kangaroo Valley


WHO DO YOU PLAY FOR NOW: Sydney’s Inner West



WHAT’S YOUR GAME PLAN: To help others around me live happier and healthier lives. I’m currently training to become a Toxicologist and Nephrologist. While it’ll take me another couple years of specialty training, I’m armed with some awesome supportive colleagues and mentors and a mountain of soy lattes (cheers to my favourite barista, Cedric). I make sure to spend plenty of time at the gym listening to podcasts between DJ sets to stay sane and keep my energy where it needs to be in a high paced job. 


LIST 1 OR 2 ‘GOLD MEDAL’ MOMENTS IN YOUR LIFE: Hmmm, probably working the last couple months over in the Northern Territory last year. It was really humbling and special to be able to work with remote communities who have a lot of social and health access disadvantages. Hearing first hand Indigenous Australians’ stories and priorities gave me a life changing opportunity to the importance of connection, respecting country and our environment and advocating for the good of others. 



WHO ARE YOUR CHAMPIONS: Fred Hollows was a renowned ophthalmologist who did a lot of advocacy and work with indigenous and developing countries, eliminating and avoiding blindness. For activism it would be Grace Tame. Literary would be Daniel Kahneman. Musically, I listen to Chopin before bed. Recently on my way to work, my energising top hitters have been Yotto, Carista and Ben UFO.


IN YOUR OPINION, WHAT MAKES AN EVERYDAY CHAMPION: Authenticity is a big one for me. A champion does one thing good every day and tells no one about it. A champion sets an intention for your day and stays accountable. You can be a champion at anything really; find what gets you excited, hone in on your skills and be vulnerable when you need help along the way.


WHAT’S YOUR MOTTO: “You catch more flies with honey, and you catch more honeys being fly,” hahaha. I think in all seriousness, it’s taken me a long time to accept myself, and that journey’s one that will continue for many years to come. It’s always easier if you play it kinder – inside and out.



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  • Hi Evan,
    What an amazing job you have done looking after people in communities that need your help. That is is inspiring.
    Plus you are incredibly good looking.
    Thank you

    Grant en

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